Frilanslivet: finske frilansere
21.04 - 31.08


Frilanslivet er en podkast om hvordan det er å jobbe for seg selv i medie-, kunst- og kulturbransjen i Norge. Målet med podkasten er å være en inspirerende og faglig kanal som gir støtte og kunnskap.

I løpet av år 2021-2022 intervjuer Frilanslivet finske frilansere. «Vi er glade for å gi finske frilansere muligheten til å dele sine erfaringer og støtte en plattform hvor finske og norske frilansere kan lære fra hverandre», sier Pauliina Gauffin, direktør for Finsk-norsk kulturinstitutt.

Frilanslivet er populær blant norsk publikum og når cirka 2500 lyttere per episode. Podkasten lages av prosjektleder, musiker og kulturarrangør Hanna von Bergen og frilansjournalist Christina Skreiberg.


Karoline Hjorth & Riitta Ikonen

Photo: Astrid Hoff

108: The magic of collaboration with artist duo Riitta Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth

The finnish-norwegian artist duo Riitta Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth first met 10 years ago. Since then they have worked together on their ongoing collaborative project ‘Eyes as Big as Plates’. Together they photograph elderly people, and before they photograph them they camouflage them in elements from the surrounding nature. Their project and photographs have been exhibited in renowned galleries and museums all around the world.

Christina speaks to the duo about how they collaborate across borders, how the project has evolved throughout the past ten years, about their stamina in such a long-term project, how they have financed their two books through crowdfunding and what they have learned along the way.

The conversation is in english, and happened online, as Riitta is based in New York City and Karoline lives just outside of Oslo, Norway.

Interviewed by Christina Skreiberg

Petri Henriksson & Frilanslivet

Photo: Bianca Hisse

113: Tilfeldig magi med grafisk designer Petri Henriksson

Grafisk designer og fotograf Petri Henriksson lager visuelle eksperimenter innen kunst, film og musikkfeltet – fra bokdesign til produksjon av musikkvideoer til platecover. Petri driver designbyrået Blank Blank som har base i Oslo, før det i Berlin. Petris tilnærming er at eksperimentering og testing leder til nye løsninger og ny form, og plutselig vokser prosjektene hans seg superstore. Petri er 40 år, er oppvokst i Finland, og er utdannet fra Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen.

Christina snakker med ham om å ha blandet identitet, om hans hemmelige agenda om å få Norge og Finland til å jobbe mer sammen, om hans hang til å trekke folk sammen og skape samarbeidsprosjekter. Petri forteller også om at nye ideer ofte oppstår når du minst venter det og om å la tilfeldigheter oppstå i den skapende prosessen.

Intervjuet av Christina Skreiberg

Foto: Camilla Jensen

116: Å hengi seg til prosessen med scenekunstner Saila Hyttinen

Hvordan er det å jobbe med obskur scenekunst? Vi har snakket med scenekunstner Saila Hyttinen (53) som i over 20 år har drevet kompaniet Verk Produksjoner, blant annet sammen med sin ektemann. Kompaniet har skapt sin egen nisje i nordisk teater og viser sine oppsetninger på Black Box Teater og har to ganger mottatt Heddaprisen.

Christina snakker med Saila om å gi seg hen til skapende prosesser selv om du ikke aner hva det leder til, om det er et skille mellom arbeid og fritid når hun jobber sammen med sin ektemann, om å søke støtte fra Kulturrådet og om hva hun sier når folk spør hva hun driver med.

Saila anser seg som nordisk, og det er ikke så rart, for hun vokste opp i Finland, gikk på skole i Sverige, studerte i Danmark og bor og jobber i Norge. Hva kan vi i Norden lære av hverandre på tvers av landegrenser?

Intervjuet av Christina Skreiberg

Photo: Nastja Säde Rönkkö

122: Six months without Internet with artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö

How would you cope without the Internet for six months? This week’s guest did just that, in London. Find out how it affected finnish artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö’s (36) life, as everything – from personal to professional communication, socializing, navigating within the city and work – happened offline. 

Nastja is an interdisciplinary artist. She works internationally and lives both in London and Helsinki where she works with video, performance, installation and text. Nastja’s artworks explore topics such as the digital era, power, humanity and the future of our planet. 

Hanna talks to Nastja about constantly being in different places and working all over the world. They also talk about Nastja’s thoughts on climate change, and a project where she visited 27 places in the world that have been destroyed by human actions. 

Interviewed by Hanna von Bergen.

A man smilig and standing in front of a wall.

Photo: Lasse Lecklin

E131: Filmskaper Khadar Ayderus Ahmed om tålmodighet

“I have always been an outsider”, says script-writer and director Khadar Ayderus Ahmed (40) who is now enjoying success with his first feature film Guled & Nasra (or the The Gravedigger’s Wife in english). But it hasn’t come easy. He is self-thought and has spent the past ten years working on this film, on and off. With this film, shot in Djibouti, he is hoping to make European cinema more diverse.

Khadar was born in Mogadishu in Somalia. At age 16 he arrived in Finland with his mother and siblings. How did he navigate his way into the industry? How did he cope with being an “outsider”? Why is patience one of the key factors to his success?

Guled & Nasra premiered in Cannes earlier this year and have won awards at several film festivals. But perhaps most exciting; the film was just shown in Mogadishu, where there is only one cinema, and where no films have been shown since the civil war broke out 30 year ago. That made Khadar shed a tear <3

Interviewed by Christina Skreiberg

Frilanslivets logo for the episode with John Webster
Photo: Frilanslivet

E154: Today’s work culture leads to burnout with John Webster

In John Webster’s latest documentary he explores the question «What’s wrong with the way we work?»

“The Happy Worker” shows how work is organized – and why it’s simply not working. John reveals the systemic problems which characterizes the workplace, exploring everything from lack of control, silence-culture to incompetent leaders and how it all leads to unhappiness, burnout and a feeling of «what’s wrong with me». John explores: Why do we have this culture and where does it come from? «The problem is that nobody talks about it. Everybody’s going around pretending that everything is okay, and it isn’t,» he says. We also touch upon how being a freelancer can provide a high sense of meaning, and how important that is for our happiness!

John (55) is a documentary film director & producer who has directed and produced documentaries for over 30 years. He has an MA in documentary filmmaking from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki and has won numerous awards both nationally and internationally for his independent films.

Interviewed by Hanna von Bergen

Header bilde: Frilanslivet, foto: Sara Angelica Spilling