
At the institute we are always looking to build bridges and provide support for projects and ideas from professional cultural practitioners in Finland and Norway. Below you will find some of the opportunities we offer. 

Suggest a Project

The institute is open to new initiatives and ideas, and is able to collaborate on different levels with different types of projects. Our aim is to support and/or produce content that is accessible, innovative, and sustainable, taking into consideration equality, inclusivity, and anti-racist approaches already in its planning stages. We can collaborate as partners or communications partners in a project, or offer support for existing projects. Please note that the institute works with small resources and our capacities are therefore also limited. We ask you to first e-mail us about your idea, keeping in mind the following details:-

– What are the aims and outcomes of the project
– What are the long-term goals
– What will happen exactly (type of project: panel discussion, performance etc)
– When will the project happen
– Where will the project happen
– What is the budget
– How can the institute be part of the project
– How is the bilateral co-operation between Finland and Norway taking place in the project?

You are welcome to send your proposals to: iiris.tarvonen@finno.no

Open calls

The institute opens calls for proposals as part of its programming. All the open calls are published on the website and in our newsletter.

Current open calls:


OPEN CALL: Residensstipendium för scenkonstnärer i september 2025

OPEN CALL: Researcher in Residence (RiR) 15.02.-22.03.2024


OPEN CALL: Residensstipendium för scenkonstnärer 06.09 – 12.10. 2022

OPEN CALL: Residensstipendium för scenkonstnärer i september 2024

Further funding opportunities for Finnish-Norwegian co-operation

The Norwegian-Finnish Cultural Foundation is a bilateral fund that supports activities and initiatives which contribute to greater awareness and increased contact between the cultural, community and business life of the two countries. Application period for grants is annually in February. 

Residents in Norway: The Norwegian-Finnish Cultural Foundation

Residents in Finland: The Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Foundation